Help the Francis, Cawood, Crawshaw & Lind families raise funds to support brain cancer research

Cancer is a grief that unites us. Everywhere, there are people whose lives have been forever changed by this disease. Cancer steals. It takes away future memories, hugs and laughter that you assumed were guaranteed. Raising money for brain cancer research is so much more than just donating. It is actively fighting for a future where our loved ones aren’t stolen before their time.
Many people have lost loved ones to cancer, including us, or have loved ones battling this disease. Precious memories remain forever but the hearts of their entire families, friends and all who knew them will always ache for their loss.
Five of us are running the Aoraki/Mt Cook half marathon on 7 October to raise money for brain cancer research, to remember those lost to this disease and to particularly acknowledge:
Shaun Cawood, beloved husband to Deidre Francis, father to Sophie and Emma, father-in-law to Thomas, died from a glioblastoma multiforme last year
Hazel, a dear friend to many, including Vivienne, and wonderful mother to her three children Pearl, Oscar, and Leo, also taken too early from a glioblastoma.
Francis Lind, son of our dear friends Greg and Sue, only 37 when he died from glioblastoma, leaving two small children and an art dream incomplete.
Even $1 or $2 can make a difference. Please donate today and help Auckland Medical Research Foundation fund this critical area of research to provide hope for the lives of many. Donate with the form below or directly from your bank to AMRF account 02-0160-0012991-00 or search for AMRF by name in the trusted payees list.
Emma is planning a one night spectacular musical theatre show to raise funds for brain cancer research. Click for info and tickets for this event on November 4 in Christchurch.
Kā mihi nui, Many thanks,
Deidre, Sophie, Thomas, Vivienne and Tony

raised for brain cancer research
Donation options
Donate in honour of these families directly to
AMRF account 02-0160-0012991-00 or by searching for AMRF in the trusted payees list via
your banking app,
your own online banking system,
or next time you visit your bank branch
Please ensure you reference your name, and send us a message at or ring 09 923 1702 with your contact details to receive your receipt.