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Bequests: A gift in your will

Leaving a gift of money or assets to the Foundation in your will is a wonderful way to leave behind a lasting and impactful legacy. We consider ourselves privileged to receive these gifts and are honoured to be able to use your bequests to support many incredible research causes.


You can do this by adding a clause to your will such as the sample provided below:


“I give to the Auckland Medical Research Foundation (Charity Registration Number CC22674) [item/specific gift or value/ fraction of estate residue] for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of the Treasurer or other duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my Executors.”



“As a Stage 4 Lung Cancer patient myself, the extra time (alongside superb care and attention), that the Research Team has, and is, giving me with my family, is such a priceless gift. To leave the AMRF a bequest in my will seems such a small thing to do alongside their work for me and all other patients, past and future.”



“My client very thoughtfully bequeathed cash, property and a business to the AMRF. He was a modest and community minded man who simply wanted to see some good come from his life earnings. He would be delighted that the creation of a new Scholarship would make a difference to others, ultimately all New Zealanders and abroad.”


If you would like to learn more about leaving a bequest to the foundation in your will, we would love to speak to your personally to discuss your wishes and options. Please feel free to contact us using the link below, or call us on 09 923 1701.

AMRF Bequest Brochure v2019.jpg
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