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Make A Donation

“Medical research has saved lives of many of my family and friends. I was delighted to make a $1000 donation and receive $333.33 back! I passed that on, too. “
- Noel Davies, donor and member
​Please donate today to make a life-saving difference for all of our tomorrows.
All donations over $5 are tax deductible
Donate now, securely online
Donate at your leisure directly at your bank or from your banking app to AMRF account 02-0160-0012991-00
Make your donation annual, monthly or a set amount over time – contact us for more info
Consider Payroll giving through your employer
Donate part or all of your New Zealand superannuation
AMRF is a registered charitable entity under the Charities Act 2005 – Registration number is CC22674.

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