AMRF recently held its 2024 Researcher Awards Event. This was a moment to recognise the excellent young and emerging researchers receiving AMRF funding over the year. It was also a chance for their family, friends, colleagues, whānau and AMRF stakeholders and donors to see what their donations can achieve to move research forward.
As part of the dozens of awards AMRF made in 2024 for more than $3.5 million in charitable funding to researchers and research groups across the spectrum of health and medical sciences, here we highlight for special appreciation the recipients of scholarships, fellowships and special event or named awards.
Many of these scholars and fellows receiving researcher awards reare at a critical stage of career growth and scientific discovery. They are the future of medical research.
“This fellowship is a game-changer for me,” says Dr Cervantée Wild. “It allows me to return home at a crucial time in my career and re-establish myself as a leader in a field of work that I am very passionate about.”
"This funding from AMRF allows me to complete my PhD in Auckland and achieve my goals of better understanding and much needed awareness of POTS to New Zealand, where we can begin to give POTS patients a voice," says Greer Pugh.
"Receiving the Gavin and Ann Kellaway Medical Research Fellowship is transformative for my career and personal growth. The fact that it’s part time allows me to pursue my current family and work commitments at home while still being able to be a student at the University of Oxford."
Congratulations to all the recipients of AMRF research funding in 2024 and thank you to the donors who make this possible.
Attendees at the AMRF Researcher Awards in 2024 listed here with selected photos of the event below. For a full list of awardees, visit our research fellowships, doctoral scholarships and other awards page.
PROF LARRY CHAMLEY, Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, The University of Auckland
Sir Harcourt Caughey Award
Collaborative research visit to Auckland by Dr Jamie Kitt, Cardiologist from Oxford, UK
DR MARTA SERETNY, Dept. of Anaesthesiology, The University of Auckland
Gavin and Ann Kellaway Medical Research Fellowship
Completion of Master's degree in Practical Ethics at the University of Oxford, UK
DR KATIE BABBOTT, Anaesthesia and Perioperative Medicine, Te Whatu Ora Waitematā
Te Whatu Ora Waitematā Collaborative Research Symposium:
AMRF Best Emerging Researcher Award
Your body is your home: The feasibility of an intuitive eating intervention for early adolescents
DR KATE PARKER, Planning Funding and Outcomes, Te Whatu Ora Waitematā
Te Whatu Ora Waitematā Collaborative Research Symposium:
AMRF Best Senior Researcher Award
Te Oranga Pūkahukahua: Interim results of a randomised clinical trial of primary care versus central hub-based invitation to lung cancer screening for eligible Māori participants
ANN ANSON, Neurology, Te Whatu Ora Counties Manukau
Aotearoa Clinical Trials Research Week: AMRF Best Emerging Researcher Award
Demographic, ethnic and imaging patterns in Moyamoya disease
SOPHIE PIESSE, Dept. of Physiology, The University of Auckland
HealtheX: Celebrating Student Research Symposium:
AMRF Outstanding Emerging Researcher Award
Enduring impacts of placental extracellular vesicles on the maternal cardiovascular system in spontaneously hypertensive rats
DR AYAH ELSAYED, Auckland Bioengineering Institute, The University of Auckland
SUMMIT Postdoctoral Symposium: AMRF Best Presentation Award
4D flow cardiovascular magnetic resonance cardiac flows: A multicohort New Zealand based study
DR CLAUDIA PATERSON & PROF ANDREW HILL, Dept. of Surgery, The University of Auckland
Kelliher Charitable Trust Award
Phase I trial: Safety of a lignocaine eluting intraperitoneal implant for pain relief in elective laparoscopic colectomy
DR AMELIA POWER & DR MARIE-LOUISE WARD, Dept. of Physiology, The University of Auckland
Hugo Charitable Trust Funded Project
The impact of metabolic substrate on contractility and mitochondrial energy supply: Can we rescue the diabetic heart?
DR ANNIE JONES, Department of Psychological Medicine, The University of Auckland
AMRF Postdoctoral Fellowship
Visualising paediatric radiotherapy: co-designing an intervention to support patients and whānau
MELODY KIM, Dept. of Psychological Medicine, The University of Auckland
2023 AMRF Doctoral Scholarship (Overseas during 2023 Awards)
Developing a digital mental health intervention for young people awaiting psychological treatment
GREER PUGH, Department of Physiology, The University of Auckland
AMRF Doctoral Scholarship
KATE HITPASS ROMERO, Department of Pharmacology & Clinical Pharmacology, The University of Auckland
AMRF Doctoral Scholarship
Meningeal fibrosis and central nervous system clearance
JAYDEN GIBSON, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Auckland
J.I. Sutherland Doctoral Scholarship
Identifying the molecular mechanisms that regulate circulating melanoma cell migration across the human blood-brain barrier
XIN YI LIM, School of Pharmacy, The University of Auckland
Maclaurin & Barham Doctoral Scholarship Funded by the Goodfellow Foundation
Pharmacovigilance for Natural Health Products: Contribution of the National Health Products Industry in New Zealand
DR MIKAELA GARLAND, Department of Anaesthesiology, The University of Auckland
Douglas Goodfellow Medical Research Fellowship
Evaluating the use of topical sevoflurane
DR CERVANTÉE WILD, Department of Paediatrics: Child and Youth Health, The University of Auckland
Douglas Goodfellow Repatriation Fellowship